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Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Six Short Years and Counting...

Well, at long last, Daniel's birthday has arrived. Hard as usual to believe six short years ago he was sleeping in his little bouncer seat at my side of the bed so I could stick a foot out at 3:00 am and rock him back to sleep. I'm reminded of that time every time I see another baby with a binky in their mouth as Daniel was permanently attached to his for so long. First Aaron is halfway to his driver's license, now Daniel is 1/3 of the way to emancipation. If he could only stay as cute and contankerous the remaining 12 years....

This past week has been pretty fun for the boys. On Sunday, we had our dinner at the Grochow's and then Dusty spent the night that night since they didn't have school on Monday. During the day on Monday, there must have been about 80 entrances and departures of multiple boys at the house. They spent most of the day outside riding their bikes (or learning to at least) and over at their house on the corner.

Andrew took the boys to the Jose Cole Circus in town here last night and a good time was had by all. I guess the humor of the clowns was somewhat ribald from what Andrew was saying, but they had fun nonetheless. It was a nice warm day for the circus, almost seeming to get into the 50s. I didn't get a peek at the thermometer that day. The snow has almost completely melted from at least half of my lawn, clearing what I didn't realize had been a path underneath the snow that leads from the back steps to the gate by the garage. I had been thinking all winter of what to do about a path because I was envisioning having to ruin the lawn. The one there looks like it was made of bricks, though many of the bricks have sunk too low, I think, to be of much utility. The sandbox is now completely cleared of snow and the whole front yard is now down to grass. I can't wait now for the green in the grass to return, not to mention the leaves on all the trees around here. Andrew and I are mulling the idea of possibly getting some paintball practice at the old farm this summer, time and weather permitting. Neither of us have tried it and the paintball course back there looked like fun. Unfortunately I'll be about three times as big a target as Andrew, though... :o(

Daniel came home today with a birthday crown on his head and a birthday certificate from his teacher. We're heading to "Danny's Pizza" as previously mentioned at about 6:30. We have choir practice at 7:30, so will have to eat faster than usual. He's out playing with the neighbor boys before we have to get ready. That's pretty much all that's happening around here other than the recent car problems and the need to do a little housecleaning after all the boys... Hope everyone had a great Easter weekend and enjoy your collective weeks wherever you are!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This blog, as usual, is extremely fun to read. Yeah for your side!! Also, I especially enjoyed the new "About Me" also posted. What at great description!
