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Wednesday, November 02, 2005

A Brief Addendum...

I forgot to mention something cute in my last post about Aaron. At church last Sunday, it was confirmation Sunday, so I had to sing at both services. Unbeknownst to me, the youth being confirmed had two front pews on the left reserved for their seating arrangements. Well, Aaron processed up the aisle with me and just before the altar, I realized I had to "do something with him quick," as the choir was proceeding all the way up to in front of the altar to sing right after the morning announcements (I had thought the choir would sit in the front as usual on the right before singing. The closest alternative was the empty pew in front on the left side... Aaron sat right in the middle of the long pew beaming up at me in front while seconds later, I stood surprised as I saw the procession of youth to be confirmed coming down the aisle in their white gowns enveloping Aaron on either side of the pew. He kind of looked like pudding in a cloud in the sea of white around him. Aaron was looking around, apparently realizing he didn't belong there, quietly arose, walked to the left and sat down in the pews that face to the center from the old chapel, never missing a beat. It can be a little disconcerting when you're "stuck" up front like that and not able to direct activities going on in front of you, but thankfully Aaron did a great job problem-solving it all by himself.

I also forgot to mention tomorrow night is the annual "Lutefisk Supper" at Trinity. I might be able to talk Andrew into going for the lefse if nothing else. I have to give the boys their first taste of a Norwegian staple too. As for other events at Trinity, the "Old-Fashioned Bazaar" last Saturday brought in over $5,000 in the 5 hours it was run!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Are you all saying "Uff da" after the dinner? Hope you enjoyed the food! Also, how fun seeing the boys in their costumes!