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Friday, July 14, 2006

Grand Champion!!

It's another hot one today... We spent about four hours at the Pennington County Fair this morning/afternoon. Aaron was awarded Grand Champion in the open class guinnea pig division for "Snowball" and got his picture taken for the newspaper. Funny Bunny still has to be judged for the open class rabbit division, so we'll see what happens in a few hours there. We just came home for a break from the heat before heading back for the results of the rabbit judging. We took a few rides together on the Tilt-a-Whirl, which really got going pretty fast. That's my favorite ride (because it was free!). I think the boys are having a good time this week. We have to pick up the bunny and guinea pig on Sunday night, but they're getting round-the-clock feeding and watering in the meantime from Sandy Drevlow and the others at the bunny barn.

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