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Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Buttons and Other Back-To-School Musings...

I never thought I'd be able to say this or for that matter this soon, but Daniel appears to have made a major breakthrough. After years of being vehemently opposed to buttons of any kind on anything he wears, we were at the store getting some back to school clothes Saturday evening and he spotted what he apparently felt was a pretty cool shirt. It was a button down shirt, though. Despite the length of time he has refused to have anything to do with buttons, the design of the shirt was apparently "cool" enough to override his aversion to buttons and he insisted I buy him the shirt. No, I wasn't dumb... I had him put it on in the store to prove he could tolerate the buttons and he wore the shirt again today, so perhaps he finally has more options in the clothing department. Maybe he can finally wear his Mariners jersey??

As for Aaron, he is all geared up to head back to school. I got him a mouthguard last night for flag football and as I was sitting here with the computer, I heard sounds like a quarterback and looked up to find Aaron practicing football stances in the living room, calling out plays (Blue 42! Blue 42! Hut, Hut, Hut!) and running through the dining room, mouthguard in place. He really cracked me up, but then what's new? :o)

We continue to be plagued with the late summer onslaught of yellow jackets. I have two bowls of Mountain Dew out on a table in the front lawn along with five traps of three different kinds. Just roughly estimating, it appears I've trapped upwards of 3 to 5,000 of the critters and they keep coming back for more.

I had a nice chat with the neighbors just the next house north of me last night, Jason and Lacey, not really having talked to them for most of the summer and found they have apparently bought the rental house there and plan to stay another 5 to 7 years to build equity before building a home outside of town here. Lacey is expecting and she was telling me how they have appreciated my yellow jacket traps, as they have noticed they have been largely leaving them alone over there ever since I put the traps out. We also tried to figure out unofficially what our property lines were, as they're hoping to build a privacy fence like mine so when their baby comes along they'll be able to safely play in the back yard. I guess I'll no longer be the odd man out on my block with the only fence.

It's half past midnight now and I gotta get all the school supplies sorted out here and put in the individual backpacks so everything's ready to go in the morning. The boys were so excited to get back to school it was hard to get them to go to bed.

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