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Wednesday, November 01, 2006

So Much Fun... Is It Christmas Yet?

It's hard to believe both how quick the weather has taken a turn for the whiter and colder and how quickly our fall schedule is filling up. We managed to take some time out, though, for a number of Halloween festivities. Aaron had his first party last week at school, so got to wear his costume earlier than Daniel. He went as a Star Wars clone this year, Daniel as a red ninja. This year was unusual with all the holiday activities, as they were able to wear their costumes at least four different times. On Sunday, we had a Halloween party of sorts at Trinity. We piled on the bus and in cars and drove over to Valley Home and Oakland Park (see picture) to visit the nursing home residents. It was kind of humerous at the first stop... As we get there, almost no one is in sight, so the nurse on duty gets on the PA system and says, "The kids of Trinity are here in their costumes and they will be singing you some songs..." Little did we the adults know we would be singing... Oh well. We managed to scrape together the words to a handful of songs nobody could forget, i.e. Jesus Loves Me This I Know, Go Tell It On The Mountain, This Little Light of Mine, etc. We didn't do too shabby given we had absolutely no warning or practice.

After the nursing home visits, we went back to Trinity and chowed down on some pizza and played musical chairs until it was time to go home. It was about a three-hour event and all the kids appeared to enjoy the pizza and games.

Yesterday was the official Halloween party at Challenger Elementary and last night we went out Trick-Or-Treating, but chose a different neighborhood this year. I drove the boys over to the old stomping grounds, i.e. Kneale Ave. S., Maple, etc. The Drevlows weren't homw so we ventured out on our own. We stopped out at Grochows, including Don and Shirley and they had these big Zip-Loc bags chock full of goodies for the boys. We managed to get to bed at a decent hour too (well, the boys at least).

As for my schedule, I've been getting busier in the area of music these days... As of last Thursday, I started practicing for Handel's Messiah over at Northland Community College with some other members of the community, i.e. Jerry, Marilyn, Tom Kays, etc. We will be singing together with a professional choir out of Grand Forks, the Master Works Chorale, along with the Grand Forks Symphony and will sing about 7 selected pieces of The Messiah including the Halleluja Chorus. I practiced last Thursday from 7 to 9 p.m., but that kind of is a stretch with keeping the boys occupied and all, so I elected to attend a daytime rehearsal today instead at Northland with the Northland Chamber Choir. I was somewhat out of place, what with 95 percent college-aged kids and just one other adult from the community. I sang bass this time with one other student behind a row of just three tenors from the college. Cathy Hagen was the accompanist, so it was nice to have a familiar sound to key off of in rehearsal. The daytime rehearsals are M-W-F 12 to 12:50 or 1:00, so it's a nice break in the day to go have some vocal fun. Today kind of brought me back to the days of Melloaires at Edmonds High and freshman concert choir with Mr. Morken. It's kind of invigorating to be back in the thick of music performance.

As for what's on the horizon, we are looking forward to hockey season and tomorrow night is the lutefisk dinner at Trinity. I believe on the 22nd is the combined Thanksgiving service with the congregations of Trinity, Redeemer, Black River, and Zion all worshiping together and this year it's going to be held at.....TRINITY!! It'll be nice to see the sanctuary and chapel packed once again for a change. The combined choirs will also be performing that night, so should be fun. The boys start their basketball season next Monday (I was off a week) and are continuing with Kingdom Kids after school every other Thursday. Other than that, I think that about covers it. Now to get the furniture moved in before Mom and Dad arrive for Thanksgiving...

Did I mention it's white over here??? It snowed twice this week already and the temperatures are down in the 20s again. I think the trampoline has run its course at this point. No more lawnmowing either... Well, off to choir practice now. Take care all!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jim, I'm so happy--pleased with you and your sons, and with all you are involved in. I think you're a GREAT dad, and they are really good sons, also--so darn cute!!! God has blessed all of you! I know you'll take every opportunity to be involved in their lives. Our love goes out to you! Have a WONDERFUL Thanksgiving! I only wish we were close enough to have you over for turkey dinner.

Mary & Dave (and please give hugs and kisses to the boys!) We love you LOTS!