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Thursday, January 25, 2007

Everyone's Healthy Again!

After a week of Daniel's bout with the flu and the rest of us staving off the mighty bug, we have managed to have a nice healthy week thus far. Daniel returned to his basketball team last night and played a good game with the Wolverines against the Hawkeyes. I was the only referee, as they were somewhat short-handed in the coach department so it was a real learning experience for me. At Daniel's team level, we don't get too technical for the most part, just stopping them when we see something wrong and not changing possession unless they go out of bounds. I finally did have to blow the whistle, though, when one of the boys kept climbing all over whoever had the ball, committing flagrant fouls. I put the victim of the foul up at the free throw line and some of the kids said, "We aren't doing fouls" to which I responded, "Um...Yes we are this time" (given how repetitious the infractions had been). The kid made his one free throw and the game went on with no further problem. There was one boy that really cracked me (and I'm sure the parents) up, as every single time the other team made a basket, he would grab the rebound and start racing down the court with the ball without having his team take the ball out, so EVERY SINGLE TIME, I had to blow the whistle hard and shout his name to bring the ball back so it could be properly inbounded. Second grade is a great level to coach, I've found, as the kids haven't quite reached the level of both thinking they know more than the coach/ref and/or knowing they know more than the coach/ref. Daniel's opponent had Kaylynn Grochow as one of the players, so that was pretty cool. He's now played against her and Sam Mosbeck. Aaron got in on the action himself, designating himself as the official timekeeper for the game, so that was pretty fun having them both involved in the same game. Aaron has his next game this afternoon at 4:00, so I gotta get his uniform shirt ready...

I've been a little more busy than usual lately in terms of my work. The local hospital has given me a number of jobs to type and after only two days were offering me a full-time job (at home) doing all of their transcription work, though with my present schedule with basketball, choir, etc., I didn't take them up on that offer. I think I'll just do long-term overflow/backlog work for the hospital now that I've got a foot in the door.

I neglected to mention on here recently, but Spike, Aaron's guinea pig from Ben Franklin, died this past week, so we're down to Rodney, the other guinea, and the two rabbits who continue to do well. We may get another guinea, but not from the pet store, given how short-lived Spike was.

That's about all the news thus far this week...

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