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Friday, June 15, 2007

When It Rains....Well...You Know...

We've had one soggy week, I'm afraid. The boys started their first week of baseball practices out at the college this week, but as of Wednesday, they were rained out and just today (Thursday), they canceled all three of their games (two of Daniel's, one of Aaron's). I've been so busy lately that the lawn in front hasn't been mowed in three weeks and whenever I get the gumption to go out and do it, it rains, which leads to a vicious cycle, as it takes only a light drizzle to set the grass growing like a giant flat Chia pet.

Speaking of Chia pets, we've got another sick guinea on our hands, which one being Rodney, our longest lived pet along with the rabbits we got last year at the fair. Rodney has been quite dehydrated the past few days and we brought it over to Sandy Drevlow yesterday who showed us it was having some respiratory problems going on with some wheezing, so after watching it pretty much lay listlessly in the cage, I figured we should at least try to feed it more aggressively, so we hopped in the car tonight and headed out to Wal-Mart to get some fresh carrots and celery to run through the juicer, then mixed that with ground up food pellets and loaded up a couple syringes full. Rodney obviously wasn't pleased with the concept, but with sunken eyes and difficult breathing, he really needed hydration. I think we got at least one of the syringes of food where it needed to be with the rest down the chin, so hopefully it will help him rebound a little, but I'm afraid he might not make it through the night. With this one, though, I think we at least have a fighting chance, as we know in advance that it's not feeling well, though it takes so little time for a cavie like that to go downhill and if you're not really paying attention you can miss the important signs. It's kind of educational for me, as I'm finding myself drawing on my experience in animal physiology lab at Washington State. We're hoping for the best, as we haven't had the best luck with the really small pets (though the bunnies are still going strong...

The fair is coming up in Pennington County again next month and Aaron is already making sure we don't enter the pets again (as that was when the guineas started dying). He's been a great help with Rodney as we try to nurse him back to health as best we can.

Other than baseball and an ailing guinea, not much else is going on besides work for me. I'm scheduled to lead the congregation in the hymns and liturgy again this Sunday, this time with Marilyn accompanying, and starting next week will be spending a lot more time hopefully out at the ball park with the boys. We might even get a chance to get some fishing in...

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